Conroy Harris, abandofbrothers’ CEO, was invited to speak as part of a panel on the theme of male violence on Radio 4’s Women’s Hour this morning. You can listen to the episode below.
abandofbrothers nominated for the Kindred Spirit Awards 2020!
Each year the Kindred Spirit Awards celebrate those who make a positive difference in people’s lives. We’re delighted that abandofbrothers has been recognised as making a significant impact in the lives of others and shortlisted for the Community Initiative Award! The closing date for votes is 30th June and you can support abandofbrothers by voting here
abandofbrothers in the Financial Times!
We are grateful to one of our newest volunteers, the regarded journalist Nirpal Dhaliwal, for being courageous and willing to undertake his own Rites of Passage weekend. He subsequently wrote the following article which captures both the spirit and the intention of our work, whilst being sensitive to the stories and journeys of both the participants and staff.
abandofbrothers featured in the Guardian's video series on 'Modern Masculinity'
We’re grateful to the brilliant Guardian journalist Iman Amrani for exploring the theme of masculinity and featuring voices that are not often heard in mainstream news. We’re also extremely grateful to Pat Beach, Ben Dalby and the other men from abandofbrothers. Their willingness, courage and honesty models the kind of intergenerational relationships and sense of community that we’re proud to … Read More
Richard Hawley talks about how it feels to lose his son as Johnny Connor in Coronation St
Richard Hawley talks about how it feels to lose his son as Johnny Connor in Coronation St, he also talks about abob and how they are promoting healthy masculinity.
Abob's Dan Bridge talks about the loss of his son to the Daily Mirror
Richard Hawley is an actor and a member of abob, he also plays Johnny Connor in Coronation St who has just lost his son to suicide. He knows Dan Bridge lost his son to suicide in real life.]
In the Mirror, Dan Bridge says: “I think it’s great that Coronation St is bringing up the issue.”
Eastbourne Herald: A Band of Brothers: Helping boys with transition to manhood
James Wong, Eastbourne abob’s project leader, explains what abob is all about, as well as mentioning that ‘we have seen an 82 percent reduction in the severity of offending behaviour after the Quest Programme.