A PDF copy of our safeguarding policy can be downloaded here

Reviewed by Dan Hartley (Head of Operations) on 01/04/2024.

Safeguarding Policy


What is safeguarding? 

Safeguarding is protecting people from abuse. 

Abuse is a violation of a personʼs human and civil rights by another person or people. Abuse can happen in any relationship and may result in the harm or exploitation of a person. Abuse can happen in different ways, physically, verbally, sexually, financially, or by an organisation, there are many kinds of way abuse can happen.* 

In abandofbrothers we make safeguarding a priority because we care about the wellbeing of all the men who are part of our community. 

Digital safeguarding 

Safeguarding encompasses any form of communication or platform including digitally (social media, email, online calls, group message platforms). This policy covers in person safeguarding. For Digital Safeguarding guidelines please see our separate Digital Safeguarding Policy here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ePgSasIk2L5pRg2XjH2X6X8zIdEL4y27?usp=sharing

It is our responsibility to report any knowledge of abuse in our community to the local
authority safeguarding team. 


If a young man reports that his uncle has been threatening him and demanding money from him each week, it is our responsibility to report this to the local safeguarding team.

What should I do? 

If you know that a man is being abused – let one of the mentors know immediately. The mentor must then let one of the two safeguarding officers know. 

The ABOB Hub safeguarding officer is the Chief Operations Officer and the Chief Executive Officer. Each local community has a safeguarding officer who is responsible for the following: 

  • To raise awareness about safeguarding 
  • To follow the ABOB safeguarding policy and procedure 
  • To take any knowledge of abuse to the local councilʼs safeguarding team To alert the ABOB Hub of safeguarding concerns 
  • To make sure that safeguarding alerts are kept confidential 
  • To make sure adequate plans are put in place to safeguard the ABOB individual(s) involved.

*This is a simple visual guide which outlines the basic procedure of how to raise a safeguarding alert. Full details of the procedure (and subsequent actions) can be found in Section 9 of the ABoB Safeguarding Policy and Procedure.

Safeguarding Policy & Procedure 

1. ABoB Policy Statement 

1.1 A Band of Brothers (ABoB) are fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all vulnerable adults and staff by taking all reasonable steps to protect them from abuse. 

1.2 ABoB are committed to preventing, identifying, investigating and responding to cases of abuse or suspected abuse of any adults or vulnerable adults engaged with the organization. 

1.3 ABoB staff and volunteers must at all times show respect and understanding for the rights and issues of vulnerable adults and adults, their safety and welfare, and conduct themselves in accordance with ABOBʼs code of conduct and the aims and mission of the organization at large. 

1.4 ABoB will support anyone, (mentees, young people, staff, volunteers, parents, key workers) who raise safeguarding concerns. Any concerns raised will be taken seriously and dealt with in accordance with the policies and procedures set out in this document.

1.5 ABoB acknowledges and recognizes that due to the nature of the mentoring service it provides, it can have influence over its clients and that it needs to ensure that this responsibility is not abused at any time. 

1.6 ABoB will contribute to effective inter-agency working and multi-disciplinary assessments and joint working partnerships, including the local authority, Police, Probation Services, and the MTC Novo consortium where appropriate. 

1.7 ABoB are bound by the Care Act 2014 and related guidance, Health and Social Care Act 2012 and 2008, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1998, Data Protection Act 1998, Equality Act 2010, Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. ABoB is not bound by The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, since it applies to public authorities, but acts within its principles. 

1.8 The Care Act 2014 states the six principles of safeguarding, which ABoB must follow: 

1. Empowerment – presumption of person led decisions and informed consent 2. Prevention – it is better to take action before harm occurs 

3. Proportionality – proportionate and least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented 

4. Protection – support and representation for those in greatest need

5. Partnerships – local solutions through services working with their communities 6. Accountability – accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding 

1.9 ABoB will make sure these 6 principles are upheld by ensuring that all our staff and volunteers are carefully selected, trained and supervised. See Section 4 

1.10 ABoB will assess all risk carefully and taking all necessary steps to minimise and manage the risk. See Section 3.4 

1.11 ABoB will let young men and staff know how to voice concerns or complaints about anything that they may not be happy with. 

1.12 ABoB will give young men and staff information about what we do and what can be expected from us. 

1.13 ABoB will review the safeguarding policy and procedure at minimum once yearly. This policy and procedure is intended to be a live document, meaning that it can be reviewed and updated frequently by the designated safeguarding officer for ABoB and submitted to the Chief Executive for approval and release. 

1.14 ABoB Safeguarding policy and procedure is to be followed by all staff volunteers, trustees and mentors and details the process required when there is alleged or suspected abuse of an adult who is, A mentee of Abandofbrothers, Related or in contact with a mentee of Abandofbrothers or In contact with a member of ABoB staff, volunteers, mentors, mentees and trustees

2. ABoB Definitions 

2.1 People with care and support needs 

This term replaces ‘vulnerable adultʼ or ‘adult at riskʼ in the Care Act 2014. However, the adult does not need to have eligible needs for care and support, or be receiving any particular service from the local authority, in order for safeguarding duties to apply. To be clear: safeguarding duties, policy and procedure apply to all mentees engaged with ABoB. 

2.2 Vulnerable adult: 

Is someone over the age of 18, who is considered ‘vulnerableʼ for one reason or another. However there is no simple definition based on age or disability; not all those with a physical or other disability should be classed as ‘vulnerableʼ. It is important to note some young people may experience periods of vulnerability. 

2.3 ABoB staff: 

This policy applies to all full and part-time paid staff as well as volunteers at ABoB, all mentors, all ‘Hubʼ committee members, mentees and young people. For the purpose of this policy any reference to ABoB staff will include all those mentioned above. 

2.4 Young men

For the purpose of this document all persons who are deemed ‘people with care and support needsʼ by legislation will be referred to as ‘young men.ʼ For the purpose of this policy any reference to ‘young menʼ incorporates all of the mentees whom ABoB offers support to, all of whom could have care and / or support needs due to their vulnerability. 

2.5 Abuse 

“Abuse is a violation of an individualʼs human and civil rights by any other person or persons. Abuse may consist of a single act or repeated acts. It may be physical, verbal or psychological, it may be an act of neglect or an omission to act, or it may occur when a person with care and support needs is persuaded to enter into a financial or sexual transaction to which he or she has not consented, or cannot consent. Abuse can occur in any relationship and may result in significant harm to, or exploitation of, the person subjected to it” (Department of Health, 2013) 

3. ABoB Code of Conduct & Roles of Safeguarding Officers 

3.1 ABoB believe that all members of its staff and volunteers have a clear understanding of the responsibilities and powers their ‘positions of trustʼ carry. This code of conduct clearly outlines what is acceptable behaviour and what is not, and how to behave appropriately when working with young people; thereby ensuring that the ‘position of trustʼ is not abused. This will not only protect those in the positions of trust but also safeguards those being cared for. Breaches of the code of conduct will be

dealt with by the local safeguarding officers of abandofbrothers in conjunction with the ABoB Hub safeguarding officers on a case by case basis. 

3.2 ABOBʼs Code of Conduct is to be adhered to by all ABoB Staff at all times 

a) Treat everyone with respect and dignity 

b) Respect and be sensitive to individualsʼ beliefs and religions 

c) Act as a good role model 

d) Respect a young personʼs right to personal privacy 

e) Assess the risks likely to be incurred in all situations, activities, buildings and trips to ensure all potential dangers have been identified and the risk minimised. 

f) Ensure that the appropriate ratio of workers to members is appropriate to the age, size and gender of the group. 

g) Plan to have more than one adult present when planning activities/trips 

h) Take any allegations, suspicions or concerns about abuse which a young person makes seriously (including those made against staff) and report them following appropriate procedures. i) Provide an opportunity and environment for young people to talk to the relevant staff member about any concerns they may have. 

j) Provide an environment that encourages young people and adults to feel comfortable and confident in challenging any attitudes or behaviours that may be discriminatory in any way. (I.e. racial, sexual, bullying, homophobic, disability, refugee/asylum status etc.) 

NOTE: Others may misinterpret behaviour and actions regardless of how well-intentioned they may be. Show understanding and sensitivity when dealing with emotional issues. 

3.3 Staff must never: 

a) Permit or accept any abusive and/or discriminatory behaviour in peer-led activities (e.g. bullying, taunting, name calling etc). 

b) Engage in inappropriate behaviour, relationships or contact (e.g. physical, verbal, sexual, including horseplay). 

c) Allow or encourage others to engage in inappropriate behaviour/contact (as above). d) Use inappropriate or demeaning language, via any method of communication, i.e. writing, phoning, email and/or via the Internet. 

e) Give personal money to any young person they are working with unless in extenuating circumstances. 

f) Invite young people (they are working with) to their homes or into their rooms whilst away on residential. 

g) Show favouritism to anyone. 

h) Jump to conclusions without checking facts. 

i) Use alcohol, drugs or other substances when working with young people. 

h) Undermine or criticise others.

i) Deliberately put themselves or others in compromising or potentially dangerous situations. j) Promote their religious or political ideas and beliefs. 

k) Give lifts in your own car unless prior arrangements have been made and with permission of the relevant person. 

l) Believe it could never happen to me. 

m) Rely on just their good name and/or reputation to protect then against situations which could lead to allegations. 

n) Promise to keep secrets. 

NOTE: Some of the team building or break through activities carried out by ABoB will involve physical contact amongst participants and staff (adult workers). This is fine as long as they are carried out in an open environment, (i.e. not in a situation where there is one adult worker alone with a participant engaging in physical activities). Young people must be given the choice to not participate in an activity, should they not wish to. 

3.4 Risk Assessments & Safe working practice for events or residential: 

3.4.1 Risk assessment forms must be completed before any activity or event, and risk assessing must be ongoing throughout the event/activity. 

3.4.2 All Activities and events must be agreed and endorsed by the Hub Management Committee. 3.4.3 Staff should ensure that the ratio between young men and staff is adequate.

3.4.4 Staff should plan to have at least one other staff member present at all times 3.4.5 All relevant consent, emergency contact details and health and medical forms to be completed by those over 18 themselves, before the activity or event. These must be kept in a safe and confidential place by the appropriate person. 

3.5 Designated Safeguarding Officer 

The designated safeguarding officer has the following responsibilities: 

3.5.1 To ensure that policies and procedures are disseminated, implemented and adhered to at all times. 

b) To be familiar with and have an understanding of current legislation and guidance relating to safeguarding vulnerable adults. 

3.5.2 To receive all information from staff, young men, parents or carers about any safeguarding concern or issues and maintain records. 

3.5.3 To liaise with and be familiar with relevant staff in external safeguarding agencies, and to make referrals as and when necessary. 

3.5.4 To arrange appropriate training and support for all relevant staff in conjunction with the Training and Education Co-ordinator 

3.5.5 To provide support during and after incidents involving child protection. 3.5.6 To monitor and maintain secure and confidential records to provide feedback to ABoB on the concerns and incidents, and the outcomes of these.

3.6 Deputy Safeguarding Officer 

The role of the deputy safeguarding officer is to support the local Safeguarding officer in the undertaking of his duties. 

3.6.1 In the event of a safeguarding concern involving the local safeguarding officer he will carry out the necessary duty of reporting his concerns or issues to the relevant authorities and maintaining records thereafter. 

The ABoB SLT (Hub) Safeguarding Officer is Dan Hartley 

Contact numbers: 01273 264452 and 07718 205040 

The ABoB SLT (Hub) Deputy Safeguarding Officer is Conroy Harris 

Contact Number: 07867 785809 

3.7 ABoB Staff 

All staff have the following responsibilities: 

3.7.1 To adhere to all the points and procedures outlined within this policy. 

3.7.2To report any incidents, concerns, suspicions and or allegations they have regarding a young manʼs well being and/or safety, in line with ABoB reporting procedures. See Sections 8 & 9

3.7.3 To attend induction or any training courses including on-going training in relation to safeguarding, as appropriate. 

3.7.4 To use support sessions, such as mentor supervision, to discuss any safeguarding concerns or issues. 

4. Recruitment and Selection 

4.1 All ABoB staff and volunteers who are engaged and working with young men will be required to undertake DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks in accordance with Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, Part V of the Police Act 1997 and Part 5 of the protection of freedoms act 2012. 

4.2 The selection of mentors will be at the democratic discretion of the 9 Local Community Co ordinators. Put simply, if there is any uncertainty about a volunteers suitability or ‘readinessʼ to mentor a young man, it is their responsibility to vote with a majority whether he mentors or not. 

4.3 It is the role of the conductor of the community to deliver their verdict to the volunteer in question. His responsibility is to handle the situation with consideration and care. The conductorʼs duty is to inform ABoB hub and be accountable to the communitiesʼ decision. 

5. Safeguarding Training and Education

5.1 All new ABoB staff will receive information and training around safeguarding issues via the TES platform.

5.2 All existing staff will receive up to-date training and information regarding changes in legislation, guidance and procedures regularly from the designated Education and Training Co-ordinator.

5.3 The community Education and Training Co-ordinator will be supported to deliver in house safeguarding training to all ABoB staff in their respective community. 

5.4 This policy will act as an ongoing guide to educate ABoB staff about the types of abuse and potential vulnerabilities of their mentees. 

6. Types of Abuse & Vulnerabilities of Client Group 

6.1 All ABoB staff members have a responsibility to report any and all concerns of abuse to the designated safeguarding officer. It is not staff memberʼs responsibility to determine whether abuse has taken/is taking place; staff memberʼs responsibility lies with reporting any and all concerns to the relevant and appropriate people. 

6.2 All staff and volunteers should be aware that abusers are not just strangers; they can include parents, carers, family members, friends, people in positions of trust/authority, i.e. mentors, children and young people – anyone who has contact with young men.

6.3 It is also important to remember that although most abusers are men, women also abuse. Abusers come from all backgrounds, races, classes and professions. 

6.4 Disabled adults and young people are more vulnerable to abuse. They are more dependent on intimate care and occasionally they may be less able to tell someone about or escape from abusive situations. 

6.5 Misunderstandings and misinterpretations of different cultural and religious beliefs and practices often means that children and young people from these communities may be more vulnerable to abuse going undetected. 

6.6 Young people may show some of the indicators of abuse at some time, but the presence of one or more should not be taken as proof that abuse is occurring or has occurred. It is not your responsibility to determine whether abuse has taken/is taking place; your responsibility lies with reporting any and all concerns to the relevant and appropriate people. There may be other factors (within the family) for reasons in sudden or noticeable changes in behaviour, such as death, the birth of a new sibling etc. 

Types of Abuse: 

6.7 Physical abuse

Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, fabricating the symptoms of, or deliberately inducing, illness. 

6.8 Sexual abuse 

This is the involvement of a person in sexual activities for the gratification of the abusers and which the victim: 

a) Does not want and has not consented to. 

b) Does not understand and is not able to consent to. 

c) Has been coerced into because the abuser/s is in a position of trust, power or authority. d) Or which are against the law. 

e) This includes sexual exploitation, in which the victim receives something e.g. money, alcohol, accommodation, in return for sexual activity, but where consent has not taken place. 

6.9 Emotional and psychological abuse 

This is behaviour that has a harmful effect on the adultʼs emotional health and development or any other form of mental cruelty that results in: 

a) Mental distress. 

b) Humiliating someone in private or public. 

c) The denial of basic human and civil rights such as self-expression, privacy and dignity. d) The negation of the adultʼs choices, independent wishes and self- esteem.

e) Behaviour that causes isolation or over-dependence and has a harmful effect on an adultʼs emotional health, development or wellbeing. 

f) Domestic violence is classified as “any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between adults who are or have been in a relationship together, or between family members, regardless of gender or sexuality”. 

6.10 Financial and material abuse 

This is the use of a personʼs property, assets, income, funds or any resources without their informed consent or authorisation. 


a) The withholding of money. 

b) The unsanctioned use of a personʼs money or property. 

c) Disposal or sale of possessions by another party. 

d) The entry of a person into contracts or transactions (e.g.: loans, gifts) that are not understood and which are to their disadvantage and/or which have been as a result of coercion of some kind. e) Staff must take steps to ensure clientsʼ property and finances are secure on residential training weekends. Outside of these circumstances the responsibility remains with the young man. 

6.11 Discriminatory abuse 


a) When opportunities are denied to groups or individuals on the basis of their values, beliefs, race, sexuality or culture result in a misuse of power, intended or not. 

b) Exploitation of a personʼs vulnerability, resulting in repeated or pervasive treatment of an individual, which excludes them from opportunities in society e.g. education, health, justice, civic status and access to services and protection 

6.12 Modern Slavery 


a) Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. Types of slavery can include sexual exploitation (mostly women and children), forced labour, domestic servitude and criminal exploitation, e.g. being forced to work in a cannabis farm or pick-pocketing. 

b) If you think a person is in immediate danger you should call 999 and ask for the police. If you suspect slavery is happening and there is no immediate threat to life, report the issue as safeguarding. The Modern Slavery helpline can also be used to report if you suspect slavery is happening – 0800 0121 700. 

c) Human trafficking is part of modern slavery. The Police are the lead agency in managing responses to adults who are the victims of human trafficking. The National Referral Mechanism is a framework to assist in the formal identification and help to coordinate the referral of victims to appropriate services. 

6.13 Allegations against carers who are relatives or friends 

In cases where unintentional harm has occurred this may be due to lack of knowledge, support or the carerʼs own physical or mental needs make them unable to care adequately for the client. The carer may also have care and support needs and should be referred to the local authority for a carerʼs assessment. Allegations should be treated in the same manner as the above. 

6.14 Hate crime 

Hate crime is defined by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) as any incident that is perceived by the victim, or any other person, to be racist, homophobic, transphobic or due to a personʼs religion, belief, gender identity or disability. Hate crime can include physical, emotional or financial abuse and indicators will be those listed above and staff should be aware of the role of equality issues in relation to them. 

6.15 Exploitation by radicalisers who promote violence 

Adults with care and support needs may be susceptible to exploitation into violent extremism by radicalisers who attempt to attract people to their cause using persuasion or charisma. The aim is to inspire new recruits and embed their extreme views. 

6.16 Abuse by children 

If a child or children is/are causing harm to a vulnerable adult, this should be dealt with under the Safeguarding Adults procedure, but local authority childrenʼs social care should be informed. 6.17 Self-neglect 

This includes neglecting to care for oneʼs personal hygiene, health or surroundings and includes behaviour such as hoarding. 

6.18 Self harm

Self-harm is not a safeguarding issue on its own, although it may be a reaction to being abused – if this is the case, report the cause (i.e. the abuse) as a safeguarding issue nonetheless 6.19 Gang Involvement 

Gang involvement is not a safeguarding issue on its own, although if young men are gang affiliated, they are at a higher risk of victimization, drug and alcohol abuse, committing violent crime and incarceration. Young men involved in gangs are also three times more likely to experience mental health issues. ABoB are contracted to deliver mentoring services by MTC Novo, in accordance with this contract, ABoB will receive referral forms with details of each individualʼs potential ‘risksʼ. If ABoB staff are concerned for the safety of a young man, it is vitally important that the designated safeguarding officer is informed of the concern and the ABoB safeguarding procedure is followed. 

7. Confidentiality and Privacy 

7.1 Whilst all ABoB staff (both paid and unpaid) will ensure that young menʼs rights to privacy and confidentiality is respected, there may be times when it is necessary that this confidence is breached. If a young man discloses voluntarily information about himself or another young person, which raises matters of crucial concern. These could include, reporting a crime they themselves or another then these concerns will be reported to the ABoB Management Committee, namely the Chief Executive and in his stead the Head of Operations. In accordance with ABOBʼs contract with MTC Novo, it is within ABOBʼs duties to report incidents named above to the local probation office. ABoB will ensure that the young person is, where possible, involved, consulted and kept informed about what action, if any, is to be taken, and during each step of the reporting procedure. (See Confidentiality Policy & Procedure for more details) 

7.2 Any personal information gathered about a young person will be stored in a safe and confidential place. Only those who need to know will have access to this information. It may be necessary to pass this information on to the relevant authorities, such as social services, police, MTC Novo, and either parents/guardians or carers (if appropriate). When doing so, ABoB will ensure that the young person is involved and gives consent in making that decision. The only situation when a referral can and will be made without the consent of the young person will be if that young person is at serious risk of harm or of causing serious harm (e.g. life threatening or of a serious nature). (See Confidentiality Policy & Procedure for more details). 

8. Responding to any suspicions, concerns or allegations 

8.1 Any concerns about behaviour of a staff member, volunteer, or trustee board member must be raised immediately with the designated safeguarding officer and the safeguarding alert procedure outlined in Section 9 – raising a safeguarding alert must be followed. 

8.2 All staff have the right to report any concerns, or suspicions they may have, about another member of staff in confidence and free from harassment, being treated unfairly or being penalised. 8.3 Concerns or suspicions raised about another member of staff within ABoB must be reported to the local designated safeguarding officer and the ABoB Hub Officer

8.4 If the concern is regarding the designated safeguarding officer himself then concerns or suspicions should be made to the deputy safeguarding officer and to the ABoB Hub Officer – thereby concerns and safeguarding alerts can be made through a parallel line of confidential communication to ABoB Hub. 

8.5 Where an allegation has been made about a member of staff they will receive support throughout the process and thereafter as necessary from the Community ‘Conductorʼ and the Designated Safeguarding Officer and / or deputy. 

8.6 Support mechanisms put in place by ABoB will not jeopardise any investigation or put young people at risk. 

9. Raising a Safeguarding Alert 

9.1 If you have a concern about a young manʼs safety and well-being or he confides in you, you must act immediately 

9.2 Stay calm and approachable; do not let your shock show. 

9.3 Listen very carefully to what is being said without interrupting. 

9.4 Explain at an appropriate time as early as possible that the information being given by the young man may need to be shared and passed on to others – but stress only to those who need to know. These include all or some of the following parties: social services, probation office, the police and the ABoB Designated safeguarding officers (unless they are implicated in the concern). Do not under any circumstances promise to keep it a secret.

9.5 Make it clear that you are taking them seriously and acknowledge how difficult this must be and allow the young person to speak at their own pace. 

9.6 Reassure the young person that they are doing the right thing in telling you. 9.7 If you need to ask questions, then only ask questions for clarification, avoid asking questions that suggest particular answers, avoid asking probing questions –you do not need to know all the details; that is the job of the experts. 

9.8 Keep a detailed record of what you witnessed, heard or were told. The report of suspected abuse should be emailed or written to the designated safeguarding officer immediately after the disclosure of abuse is made. He will then follow the procedure outlined in section 9.14 of this policy. 

In your report you must include: 

As much detail as possible of the allegation or the grounds for suspecting abuse. The date and time of the incident. 

People involved, including your details 

Details of any observed injuries. 

Appearance and behaviour of the victim, including any injuries or behavioural observations Victimʼs account of events, as far as possible in their words. Use speech marks to indicate speech recorded verbatim 

Names of any witnesses.

If you were present, record exactly what you saw. 

9.9 Let the young man know that the report will be given to the ABoB safeguarding officers and Safeguarding Adults team and relevant parties. 

9.10 Let the young man know that the report will be dealt with confidentially where possible, that should he be interviewed as part of an investigation, and that ABoB will support him through this process 

9.11 Explain to the young man the duty of the local authority outlined in Section 10, that his safety is paramount and he is to ensure he keeps himself safe from future abuse where possible. 

Designated safeguarding officer: Safeguarding Alert Procedure 

9.12 If you have a concern about a young manʼs safety and well-being or he confides in you, you must act immediately 

9.13 Consider if the young man is in immediate danger; if so, contact the police and get medical help if necessary by calling 999. 

9.14 Refer the young man to the Safeguarding Adults Team if the young man is not in immediate danger, find out as much as possible about the situation or incident from him. 

9.15 Download and fill out an ‘Inter-Agency, Safeguarding Adults Alerts formʼ 9.16 Send it to your local authority (Adult social services) and alert both ABoB SLT (Hub) safeguarding officers, Dan Hartley and Conroy Harris at:

dan.hartley@abandofbrothers.org.uk; conroy.harris@abandofbrothers.org.uk . The ABoB Staff member who raised the alert should also be ccʼd in and notified, to ensure there is transparency and accuracy of reporting. 

9.17 The local Safeguarding Adults team may have already taken this information from you over the telephone, however fill out any necessary forms for best practice 

9.18 In accordance with ABOBʼs agreement with the Probation Services, it is the responsibility of Conroy Harris and/or Dan Hartley, to inform the relevant probation office with the details of the safeguarding alert. 

9.19 All Information should be kept confidential and stored so that it is not accessible by anyone implicated in the safeguarding allegation. 

9.20 The young manʼs wishes are also to be clearly recorded especially where he does not wish action to be taken. 

9.21 If the young man does not wish for action to be taken, it is important to make it clear that it is ABOBʼs responsibility to report instances of suspected abuse to social services and /or the probation office and police, and that the matter will be dealt with confidentiality and professionally. 9.22 It is the designated safeguarding officerʼs responsibility to ensure the young manʼs welfare is given first priority during this process. All actions should be taken to support the young man and protect him from further abuse. 

9.23 All communication in relation to a safeguarding concern should be recorded and retained confidentially. 

9.24 Allegations or suspicions made about a member of staff must be dealt with in accordance with the procedure outlined in section 8.1 of this policy. 

9.25 If the local safeguarding officer is implicated in the safeguarding concern, then the deputy safeguarding officer should be notified instead along with Dan Hartley (Chief Operations Officer) and Conroy Harris (Chief Executive). 

9.26 In the event of such an occurrence illustrated in 9.25, the deputy safeguarding officer must follow the procedure outlined from 9.12 onwards.

10. Following a Safeguarding Alert 

10.1 The local authority has the following legal duties under the Care Act 2014: 10.2 To promote adultsʼ wellbeing in the area of protection from abuse and neglect 10.3 To make or arrange any enquiries necessary to decide if action should be taken and if so, what action should be taken and by whom if the local authority “has reasonable cause to suspect that an adult in its area (whether or not ordinarily resident there) 

10.3.1 Has needs for care and support (whether or not the authority is meeting any of those needs), 10.3.2 Is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect, and 

10.3.3 As a result of those needs is unable to protect himself against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it. 

10.4 Anonymous information or information from people who do not want to be identified should also be recorded 

10.5 There is a possibility that the local authority will ask ABoB to make enquiries. 10.6 ABoB SLT (Hub) Conroy Harris and / or Dan Hartley should clarify with the local authority what is expected, as this could range from a conversation with the client to a formal multi-agency meeting. 10.7 The purpose of an enquiry is to decide if the local authority, ABoB or any other organisation or person needs to take action to protect the client. 

10.8 The client should be involved from the beginning of the enquiry 

10.9 In conjunction with ABoB Hub the designated safeguarding officer should record the concern, young manʼs views, any immediate action taken and the reason for those actions. 

Appendix & Useful Documentation 

The following documents were consulted in the creation of this policy 

1. Protecting Adults at Risk: London Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures to Safeguard Adults from Abuse: 


2. The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 N.B. ABoB is not bound by this legislation, since it applies to public authorities, but nonetheless acts within its principles: 


3. Public Interest Disclosures Act 1998 


4. Health and Social Care Act 2012 


5. Care Act 2014


6. Care Act Guidance, specifically flowcharts on pages 250 – 252. 

https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/care-act-2014-statutory-guidance-for-implementation 7. Statement of Government Policy on Adult Safeguarding 

https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/adult-safeguarding-statement-of-government-policy-10- may-2013 

8. Data Protection Act 1998 


9. Equality Act 2010 


10.Health and Social Care Act 2008 


11. Protecting adults at risk: Good practice resource 
