Berny Auton
I joined abandofbrothers in 2018 looking to give something back to our community. That work has been very rewarding.
What I didn’t anticipate is that along the way I would learn so much about myself and in doing so become, I trust, a better Father, Husband, Friend and Man.
Every time we ‘circle-up’ I learn more about Men and myself. I have also attended Mentoring and Facilitation Training with abandofbrothers and I’m working towards being a Certified Leader. I enjoy the camaraderie of working with Men from other Circles when I help staff our Rites of Passage and training weekends.
Joining abandofbrothers has also helped me appreciate the connections, challenges and opportunities which exist in Oxford for us to live together better. abandofbrothers collaborate with great people, agencies and organisations across the county as we provide Community Service, publicise our activities, recruit new Men, and raise money to fund our work.
I also enjoy the friendship, support and common purpose of a great group of Men in the Oxford Circle who share my commitment to serving Young Men in our community. If you would like to find out more about what you can get from abandofbrothers I would love to hear from you. I also look forward to learning more about what you can bring to our Circle, and to Young Men in Oxford.